Tag: travel with us

9 songs we are obsessed with right now

Ascult “Kiss it better” de ieri seara pe repeat. E trecut de miezul noptii si-am iesit pe terasa sa va scriu[...]

Wat Chalong

TGH x Alina Ceusan Silk Dress (available online starting this Friday) | Diva Charms Black Gladiator Sandals | New Yorker[...]

Thai Afternoon

Wearing TGH x Alina Ceusan silk jumpsuit | Laura Olaru Baby Blue Backpack. (available online starting this Friday on www.tghfashion.com)[...]

Stories: ANTIBES, Picasso, Absinthe and Marche Provencale.

Enjoy the second part of the Nisa travel series. Grab a glass of wine, play the song(s), and join the[...]

Travel journal: Cannes, South of France

 De indata ce am ajuns in aeroportul din Nisa, am fost luati cu o dubita neagra. Drumul de la aeroport la[...]

Back in time: Miami Diary

“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.”  [...]

Fashion Bloggers meet Timisoara: the video

RO: Din cand in cand impachetam tinutele de zi cu zi, ne urcam in masina si plecam spre un nou[...]