IN "Featured"
01 mai 2015
# News
EN: ELLE Romania team is taking over Cluj. Rumour has it they are hosting an #excELLEnt lifestyle event, on the 9th and 10th of May, a cool fahion fair, in the middle of our country. Join us next weekend @ Casa Matei Corvin UAD and shop luxury brands brought to you by ELLE.
Elle stylists will be there for you on the 9th of May (between 11:00 and 20:00) and 10th of May (between 11:00 and 18:00) and will help you renew your summer wardrobe, with some of the most exclusive brands and offer you style consulting.
RO: Cele mai cool branduri fashion prezente in Romania isi dau intalnire in cadrul unui eveniment special care va aduce moda exclusivista in principalele orase ale tarii.
Prima oprire a caravanei va avea loc la Cluj-Napoca, la Casa Matei Corvin (strada Matei Corvin, numarul 6), spatiul de expozitii al Universitatii de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca.
Stilistii ELLE te asteapta, deci, pe 9 mai (intre orele 11:00 si 20:00) si pe 10 mai (intre orele 11:00 si 18:00), sa discutati impreuna despre cele mai hot tendinte si sa iti ofere consiliere specializata ca sa iti poti innoi cu succes garderoba de vara.
BRANDS: Bonpoint, Burberry, ELSAFURS, Emporio Armani, FREYWILLE, Gerard Darel, Inside Home, Karen Millen, Lancel, Louis Purple, Marina Rinaldi, Max Mara Weekend, Sport Couture (DKNY, Michael Kors, Just Cavalli, Paul Smith, Vans, Red Valentino), The Place X (Christian Louboutin, Chloe, Isabel Marant, Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney) si Paisi.
TIP: Pay with your MasterCard Premium and enjoy special prices!
Now tell me how cool is this piece of news? See you there! Have a cool 1st of May!
Fashionable Streets, 1 mai 2015 at 15:24
Really cool ! Nice news !
Ioana, 3 mai 2015 at 12:11
Hello, Alina.Tin minte ca iti place Filantropica. O intrebare pentru tine: care ar fi 5 filme preferate / pe care le recomanzi cititoarelor tale?
Alina Ceusan, 3 mai 2015 at 12:57
Filantropica, Pisica Alba Pisica Neagra, Ladri di biciclete, Requiem for a dream, Insterstelar (if you like Science Fiction), Inchisoarea Ingerilor, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975). Si Lord of the Rings mi-au placut… ?
Ioana, 6 mai 2015 at 1:09
Ai gusturi foarte bune 🙂