IN "Beauty"
25 octombrie 2015
DECADENCE by Marc Jacobs

E trecut de 1:00, deci e duminica. Sa-ncepem cu o noutate din domeniul frumusetii. Marc Jacobs prezinta Decadence, primul sau parfum “matur” din 2015. Fiecare parfum lansat de Marc Jacobs are o alta personalitate: Daisy este fata dulce, that “girl next door”, Lola e bizara, iar Decadence e sexy si sofisticat. Creat in colaborare cu Annie Buzantian, parfumul contine pruna italiana, sofran si iris in notele de varf, trandafir bulgaresc, iasomie si radacina de stanjenel in notele de mijloc si ambra lichida, vetiver si lemn de papirus la baza. (Sursa:
Sincera sa fiu, acest parfum m-a surprins vineri dimineata, cand l-am simtit pentru prima oara, pe propria-mi piele. De-a lungul weekendului am primit complimente aparte si am decis ca este un parfum care-si merita atentia, primordial datorita asemanarii amare cu decandenta, dar si pentru ca ma duce cu gandul la o noapte interminabila, in care porti o rochie aurie care evident atrage toate privirile, caci toata lumea din jurul tau, e in negru. La putin jazz, odata cu catifeaua cutiei, la sarm si feminitate dusa la extrem (dark) prin ciucure… si multe altele. O fantezie.
Sticla ia forma unei genti, devenind un talisman personal si ne duce cu gandul la o geanta din piele sa piton, cu un lant auriu si ciucur negru din matase. Toata aceasta poveste imbraca noua aroma Decadence, by Marc Jacobs, a carui imagine este Adriana Lima. (fotografiile de campanie au fost realizate de Steven Meisel)
It’s past 1 o’clock on Romania (night) so it’s Sunsay. Let’s start with a beauty piece of news. Marc Jacobs presents Decadence, his first “mature” fragrance in 2015. Each of his pillar fragrances represents a distinctive character: Daisy is a sweet girl next door, Lola is peculiar, and Decadence is sexy and sophisticated.
Created in collaboration with perfumer Annie Buzantian, the perfume features top notes of Italian plum, saffron and iris. Bulgarian rose, Sambac jasmine and orris root form the heart of the perfume, while the base includes warm liquid amber, vetiver and papyrus wood. (Source:
To be honest this perfume surprised me with its peculiar, bitter, yet effervescent scent, this friday. I was in my plain white kitchen, trying it out, while sitting on the table. I never thought about going out until I smelled this scent. As the days passed by, I recieved such detailed compliments on this particular perfume, that I’ve decided to label is as #MJdecadent as it claims to be. It kinda’ takes me into a wild night, where I’m wearing a full golden sequin dress, which clearly stands out ‘cuz everyone is just wearing black, into a wild night of party, and laughter and meaningful conversations. I don’t know what’s up with this combo of roses and jamsine and amber and saffron, but it stole my heart away. I’m thinking about jazz, due to the fogged green velvet box, of an exagerated feminity (but dark) due to the silk tassel… and all sort of things to be honest. A fantasy, if I may. Have you seen the video?
The bottle design, which is a “personal talisman” of the designer as a symbol of opulence and glamour, is reminiscent of an emerald green handbag with python pattern, gold chain and black tassel. The face of the campaign shot by Steven Meisel is Adriana Lima. (Oh you – Lima)
For girls: If you want a new one, here’s the one.
For boys: If you want to buy her a gift and you’ve been looking for a sign, this is IT. #MJdecadence
P.S: Thank you for reading.
ioana, 25 octombrie 2015 at 14:58
Textul seamana izbitor cu cel de pe Ai fii putut sa citezi.
Alina Ceusan, 25 octombrie 2015 at 15:11
notat ✔️ adevarul e ca ei explica perfect notele parfumului, note pe care nu le-am putea identifica atat de usor. Am citat.
Ana Enache, 25 octombrie 2015 at 17:15
De unde este achizitionat?:)
Descude, 25 octombrie 2015 at 21:23
Designul sticlutei e foarte tare, daca miroase la fel de misto pe cat arata, m-a castigat 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 26 octombrie 2015 at 20:49
✔️ da! da & da!
Fashionable Streets, 26 octombrie 2015 at 18:15
Sounds good, I might just try it!
iguanitza, 27 octombrie 2015 at 8:00
L-am vazut in magazin in Olanda si mi-a atras atentia sticluta deosebita. De fapt, toate parfumurile lui Marc Jacobs sunt speciale, parfumurile vin in tot felul de sticlute care pot ramane de decor dupa ce se termina esenta.
Imi place foarte mult cum miroase, nu am mai simtit un parfum asemanator, ceea ce il face unic.
Sa il porti cu placere.
Alina Ceusan, 28 octombrie 2015 at 1:15
angie, 30 octombrie 2015 at 1:53
cine iti face traducerea post-urilor din romana in engleza?