IN "Beauty"
14 octombrie 2015
What’s On Your Fall Wishlist?
# News

song: Gotan Project – Whatever Lola Wants
RO: In aceasta dimineata am facut o selectie rapida a item-urilor mele preferate de pe Luisaviaroma. E joi, totul se deruleaza pe fast forward, iar o ceasca mare de cafea e modul perfect de a-ti incepe ziua. M-am pierdut pentru cateva momente printre noutatile de pe site, cu gandul la toamna, la ploi si vreme rece si-am ales genti, pantofi, gulere de blana si manusi, care sa tina de cald, dar si ochelari pentru ca inca mai avem nevoie de ei in aceasta toamna. Azi e soare in Cluj Napoca. Which one is you favorite?
EN: This morning I made a quick selection of my favorite items from Luisaviaroma. It’s the middle of the week, everything is on fast forward and a big cup of coffee and a croissant is the perfect way to start your day. Hope you didn’t forgot about breakfast, I’m having it as we speak, at Marty. I wandered for a few moments on the new arrival term on the site, and I was thinking about autumn, about the rain and the dropping temperatures. With this in mind, I picked up bags, shoes, heels, faux fur collars and gloves to keep us warm and stylish, but also sunglasses because we still need them this fall. Today is all sunny in Cluj Napoca. Which one is your favorite?
Find all the products online on, keep an eye on us, we have something cool coming for you this fall. Make a wishlist today!
Ana-Maria Ruse, 15 octombrie 2015 at 11:55
That burgundy hat ? Chiar am nevoie de o palarie, dar nu gasesc una pe gustul meu…
Fashionable Streets, 15 octombrie 2015 at 17:08
Nice picks!
Sara Sandgärds, 17 noiembrie 2015 at 10:31
Nice looking jacket, the brown one! You can find similar jackets at, where you can style and order clothing and accessories directly from designers all over the world. Free shipping!