IN "Looks"
06 iulie 2015
The skater boy is actually…. a girl.

RO: Dupa ce am citit acest articol publicat pe, m-am gandit sa postez pe blog un look care contine trei piese principale cumparate de la raionul de imbracaminte masculina. Stim deja faptul ca femeile fura (cu nesimtire) piese din garderoba barbatilor, insa de cele mai multe ori, la cumparaturi fiind, uitam de piesele masculine si ne avantam cu incredere in bratele colectiilor de vara, proaspat aranjate pe rafturi si umerase. In fotografiile de mai jos port un tricou Jack and Jones si o camasa in carouri, ambele destinate sexului masculin si o pereche de conversi (in fine, unisex). Va invit sa cititi articolul despre care va vorbesc pentru a afla mai multe despre istoria modei unisex si pentru a va convinge ca in ziua de azi nu exista o limita in ceea ce putem si nu putem purta. Ca urmare, mai jos, aveti o reprogramare a Alinei pe care o cunoasteti, care a dat tocurile pe conversi si laptopul pe-un skateboard… Hope you like the result.
EN: After I’ve read this article published on, I wanted to post a new look on blog, featuring 3 simple unisex items, bought from the men’s fashion department. We already know that the girls continue to steal items from their loved ones, but often times, when we are shopping offline, we’re avoiding (or forgetting about) the masculine items, and we are trowing ourselves into the loving arms of the fresh summer collections, neatly organized on shelves and hangers. In the pictures below you will see me wearing a Jack and Jones t-shirt and a plaid shirt, both destined to be worn by men, and a pair of unisex converse sneakers. I’m inviting you to read this article, to find out more about the history of unisex fashion and to find out that there’s actually no limit to what we can and can’t wear. As a result, you have several pictures of a reprogrammed Alina, that traded her heels for converse sneakers and the laptop for a skateboard… Hope you like the result.
Jack and Jones T-shirt | Plaid Shirt (similar here) | Converse Sneakers in Cream (shopping link here) | Motivi Sunglases | CORE snapback
Photographs by Ovidiu Sebezan
buckycore, 6 iulie 2015 at 15:42
OH MY GOD’!! CUTE!!! <3
Mind you, I come from a world where the majority of the women are skaters, or unisex wearing rockers, so I don't even think of that as "unisex"…I just think of that that as clothing we all wear :p
But seeing you rockin' this style RULES!!!! *Jumps in the air*
Alina Ceusan, 6 iulie 2015 at 16:09
Thank you Bucky! 🙂
Cristina, 8 iulie 2015 at 0:12
Alina, maine plec la costinesti si nu stiu ce haine sa-mi iau cu mine. Imi poti da niste sfaturi ?:*
Alina Ceusan, 8 iulie 2015 at 14:05
Costume de baie in primul rand, tricouri albe XXL, o pereche de jeansi skinny, 2-3 perechi de pantaloni scurti (denim, alb, crem), ochelari de soare, prosop de plaja, geanta de plaja, crema cu factor de protectie ridicat + lotiune after sun, sandale gladiator, o pereche de sandale nude/negre cu toc stiletto, 2-3 rochii de plaja, un cardigan tricotat lejer, de vara, pentru serile pe plaja, produse cu SPF pentru par – cam asta as lua eu cu mine. Have fun!
Cristina, 8 iulie 2015 at 18:42
Multumesc mult de tot ?