IN "Travel"
01 octombrie 2015
¡Bienvenido a Miami!

Carmen intreba: “Cat de cald e? Ce miros e in aer? E asa cum iti imaginai? Cum sunt oamenii? Are cine sa iti faca poze? Te mai intorci? I love you Parca e din Thailand asa dupa frunzele din gard. Te-ai bronzat? Mancarea e foarte diferita?”
Iar eu i-am raspuns: “E foarte cald, sunt 30 de grade, aerul miroase a vacanta, e caldut, e umed, umiditate mare. E cum imi imaginam. Doar palmieri, mustang-uri si masini tari… Oamenii sunt deosebit de prietenosi si fericiti. Cum n-ar fi la urma urmei, traiesc la ocean, sunt 30-40 de grade. M-am bronzat rapid in doar 3-4 ore si mult. Si Simina s-a bronzat si o prinde greu. Ma intorc, insa ne vom intoarce si impreuna, noi doua, aici.” – despre asta este vorba.
Suntem in Miami. Ce nebunie… Dupa zborurile Bucuresti-Amsterdam, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Atlanta-Miami, toti cinci, ne aflam pe faleza, ingandurati. Eram treji de 24 de ore, insa intre oboseala zborului si entuziasmul ateriziarii in Miami nu ne-am grabit sa ajungem in pat. Am descoperit Miami-ul intr-o seara calda de Septembrie, totul era luminat, iar de-o parte si de alta a strazii se intaltau palmieri uriasi. Am despachetat rapid, mi-am pus toate hainele pe umeras si am iesit pe plaja. Problema era la nici unul dintre noi nu spunea nimic. Eram intr-o imensa sauna invizibila, decorata cu palmieri, nisip fin, apa calda si sarata, iarba verde, si plante curioase. Ne-am astezat pe zidul de piatra care despartea nisipul de asfalt, ori calatoria de vacanta si am stat acolo pret de vreo 15 minute, am fumat o tigara, am facut cateva comentarii despre o pasare care ni se alaturase, dupa care am plecat spre apartamentul nostru.
A II-a zi am fost la plaja, dupa plaja am baut cele mai ridicole si mai mari cocktailuri, iar seara am plecat spre Downtown, cu Adina si Sorana, intr-un bal numit “Blue Martini” – daca bine-mi amintesc? Ploua torential cand ne urcam in taxiul negru, insa era o ploaie placuta, de vara. In localul cel dragut insa, era frig, in sensul ca eu purtam o fusta de piele si un top simplu si nu puteam sta inauntru. Ele erau obisnuite cu schimbarile de temperatura, cu Miami-ul in sine, insa noi abia ne odihnisem dupa drum. FACT: Nu au Martini Bianco in club, cand zici Martini te intreaba: “Which one?” – cuz it’s a glass shape
Una peste alta, Miami-ul are:
- Cele mai tari masini pe care le-am vazut (Lamborghini Aventador pe verde neon, Mustang-uri negre si Camaro-uri de la Chevrolet, pe orice culoare), –
- Prima lotiune de plaja din lume, inventata de farmacistul Benjamin Green in 1944 (Miami Beach),
- Peste 800 de cladiri, iar cartierul Miami Beach’s Art Deco e practic locul celei mai mari colectii de arhitectura Art Deco.
- In anul 2008, Miami a fost declarat ca fiind cel mai curat oras din America, de catre revista Forbes.
- Cele mai mari cocktailuri (la mine pe Instagram @alinaceusan)
E foarte tare, pe scurt. Ne vedem curand, pana atunci, aveti aici primele poze din Miami. Am purtat ceva care se potrivea cu peisajul, peste masura: un kimono de la Irina Schrotter by Lucian Broscatean, care poarta un print realizat de Agnes Keszeg, special pentru colectia IRINA SCHROTTER din 2013 + 
Carmen asked (a lot of questions, as always, but in such a cute way, exactly what I’d ask her) “How hot is it? What does the air smell like? Is it just like you imagined? What are the people like? Who takes your photos? Are you coming back? I love you! It looks like Thailand judging by those leaves. Did you get tan? Is the food very different?”
And I answered: “It’s very hot, there are 30 degrees, the air smells like holiday, it’s warm and wet, very humid. It’s like I imagined. Just palm trees, mustangs and cool cars… The people are incredibly friendly and happy. How could they not be, after all they live close to the ocean and it’s always so hot. I got tan very fast, around 3-4 hours. Simina got tan too, but it’s taking her a little more time. I’m coming back, but we’ll come back here, together.” – that’s what we’re talking about.
We’re in Miami. How crazy is that? After flying from Bucharest to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to Atlanta and finally from Atlanta to Miami, we’re all sitting on the beach, thinking. We’ve been awake for 24 hours; however, we were so excited that we finally got to Miami that the jet lag did not put us to bed. We discovered Miami on a hot September evening, everything was illuminated while huge palm was resting on each side of the street. We unpacked in a hurry and went out on the beach. The problem was none of us was saying a thing. We were standing in a huge invisible sauna, adorned with palm trees, soft sand, warm, salty water, green grass and curious plants. We sat on a stony wall which separated the sand from the concrete, or the journey from a holiday and sat there for 15 minutes, smoked a cigarette and talked about a bird that joined us before heading to our apartment.
The second day we went to the beach and after that we drank the most ridiculous and huge cocktails. In the evening we headed towards the Downtown, with Adina and Sorana, in a bar called “Blue Martini”, if I remember correctly. The rain was pouring when we got in the black cab, yet it was a pleasant summer rain. In the cute bar though it was very cold. I was wearing a leather skirt and a simple top and I couldn’t stay inside. They were used to the temperature changes, to Miami itself, but we were still resting after the long journey there. FACT: They don’t have Martini Bianco in the club, when you say Martini, they ask “Which one?” – cuz it’s a glass shape
Overall, Miami has:
- The coolest cars I’ve seen (Lamborghini Aventador in neon green, black Mustangs and Chevrolet Camaros in every colors.)
- The first sunscreen in the world, invented by Benjamin Green in 1944 (Miami Beach)
- Over 800 buildings and in the Miami Beach’s Art Deco neighborghood you can find the biggest collection of Art Deco architecture.
- In 2008, Miami was declared the cleanest city in America, by Forbes Magazine.
- The biggest cocktails (see them on my instagram @alinaceusan)
Long story short, it’s very cool. See you soon, until then enjoy our first photos from Miami. I wore something that matched the scenery: an Irina Schrotter kimono, by Lucian Broscatean, which has a print drawn by Agnes Keszeg, exclusively for the 2013 Irina Schrotter collection. + 
Kimono: Irina Schrotter | Level of happiness: FULL. WANT MORE ON MIAMI? Read the Top 5 Best Songs About Miami
iuliascorner, 2 octombrie 2015 at 2:05
superbe pozele!vacanta placuta 🙂
Alina Ceusan, 2 octombrie 2015 at 3:26
buckycore, 2 octombrie 2015 at 7:14
I take it this isn’t your first time to the States. But it’s so cool knowing you’re practically in my back yard right now. Well…3500 miles (5633 km) away from my back yard :p
Alina Ceusan, 2 octombrie 2015 at 17:01
It’s my 1st actually.
buckycore, 2 octombrie 2015 at 17:08
Oh wow, really?!? I thought you were frequenting the states like others we know.
Alexandra, 2 octombrie 2015 at 7:38
Woow,awesome,superbe etc.
Foarte tari pozele ?? Have fun dear!!!
Teodora, 2 octombrie 2015 at 9:33
Ce bine ar merge o vacanta la plaja, dar nu e rea nici vacanta la scandinavi! 😀 Have fun and get tanned!
A., 2 octombrie 2015 at 11:40
Uitandu-ma la poze si citindu-ti articolul mi s-a facut pielea gaina. Parca acum imi doresc mai mult ca niciodata sa ajung si eu in Miami..
Alexandra, 2 octombrie 2015 at 14:00
Doar voi 2 ati plecat catre State?
Alina Ceusan, 2 octombrie 2015 at 17:01
Am spus ca eram cinci…
alexandraflorentina, 2 octombrie 2015 at 15:29
Iti recomand un super burger de la BIG PINK – un bun lobster la Belini Bistro – o ptrecere de duminica seara la Nikki Beach – shopping la Dolphin mall – o plimbare prin Star Island …. uff Miami :X … enjoy your vacation 🙂
gina, 2 octombrie 2015 at 16:51
Ce a patit parul tau? Cand ai plecat in vacanta era grey….Te-ai vopsit?
Andra Dorolti, 2 octombrie 2015 at 17:55
Imi plac tare mult pozele de pe plaja… si astept cu nerabdare sa vad urmatoarele postari!
Bbmm, 2 octombrie 2015 at 23:13
Draga mea, toata america are asa masini nu doar Miami
Alina Ceusan, 2 octombrie 2015 at 23:42
Ma bucur.
Descude, 3 octombrie 2015 at 12:53
Speechless! Totul e atat de frumos!
Maria, 24 mai 2016 at 22:35
din nou. asa da!